Online Credit Card Processing for Budding High Risk MerchantsOnline Credit Card Processing for Budding High Risk Merchants The art of online credit card processing is still seen by most ecommerce merchants as unconventional and in foreign territory.
Truth of the matter is, online credit card processing is one of the safest and fraud-proof ways to accept payment. You cannot ignore the fact that the internet gives your business the widest market reach and cheaper way to expose your product. If you have the guts and determination to make i t big in the world wide web, then mastering the art of online credit card processing is a must. What goes through the cablesOnline credit card processing is a way for you to accept credit card payments from your customers. Actual credit card swiping goes to oblivion when it comes to online credit card processing. All you need to ask from your customers are name, address, amount and either credit card number. Then the information provided by the customer runs through a payment gateway that converts them into a n encrypted format that only the banks can read and understands. Knowing the forms Now that you know what goes on, as a fresh high risk merchant, it is important to be aware of what types of online credit card processing you can use for your online business. You have your: - Direct merchant account credit card processing
- Third party online credit card processing
A direct merchant account credit card processing entails you to directly coordinate with a bank who will process the credit card transactions. This is a common practice but has a twist for high risk merchants. High risk merchants experience difficult times in making terms with their local banks because these banks shy away from high risk businesses such as adult, travel, gambling, online pharmacy, telemarketing, multilevel, high volume, and similar businesses. If this is the case, you can still opt for the direct merchant account credit card processing, but with an offshore bank.
Another type of online credit card processing you can go for is the third party credit card processing. In this setting, there is a middle man between you and the bank. A third party credit card processor if you have grand plans of accepting typed of credit card other then VISA and Mastercard.
Experiencing the wonderful world of online credit card processing surely has its benefits. This can shield you from fraud and other kinds financial hazards since the features include an Address Verification Service and other fraud-detection tools.